To reduce poverty through sustainable management of natural resources by community institutions

Improve income for vulnerable households through Livelihood diversification and pro-poor value chain.
Promote good governance at local level through improved civic awareness among target groups.
Promote access to quality inclusive education and skills training by all youths.
To enhance programme continuity and organizational sustainability
MID-P exists to facilitate and co-ordinate sustainable community development initiatives and promote good governance.
“An empowered, equitable and resilient society in Northern Kenya.”
MID-P believes in respect for human rights for all, and their ability to determine and drive their own sustainable development agenda.
About Us
Know more about us
Merti Integrated Development programme (MID-P) was formed when Action Aid Kenya (AAK) phased out its Merti Development Area programme in the year 2000. Its mandate was to coordinate self improvement actions by various community-based groups in Merti
initially supported by AAK. As part of its growth plan MID-P was registered as a national NGO in 2003 with NGO coordination bureau. From 2005 it attracted funding from other donors notably International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) and Cordaid.