Tender for rehabilitation (Construction of protection wall) of three (3) boreholes in Merti and Korbesa

  • Post category:MID-P News

Merti Integrated Development Program (MID-P) is announcing an Open Tender for the
Rehabilitation of three (3) Boreholes in Merti and Korbesa in Isiolo County

Invitation to tender
MID-P is looking for an eligible contractor who can rehabilitate (Construction of protection walls) three (3) boreholes in Isiolo County. This Request for bids is open to all legally constituted companies that can provide the
requested service and have legal capacity to deliver in the country, or through an authorized

Below is the BoQ and the drawings;

Tender Advert-GFFO Top-Up MID-P

Tender Notice-Construction of protection wall for three (3) Boreholes in Merti and Korbesa in Isiolo County