On June 11, 2021 Bulapesa Ward Planning Committee was inaugurated becoming the eighth Ward with the Ward Planning Committee (WPC) in compliance with Isiolo County Climate Change Fund Act 2018 (CCCFA) ( https://www.adaconsortium.org/index.php/component/k2/item/373-isiolo-county-climate-change-fund-act-2018). Each Ward is supposed to have a Ward Planning Committee with a membership of 11 people comprising men, women, youth and Persons with Disabilities (PWD). The Committee was constituted through a competitive process which begun from the village level. Bulapesa Ward has two locations; Central and Waso. The 42 villages in Bulapesa Ward were grouped into 6 clusters each location nominating 15 people (6 women, 6 men, 3 youths). Communities from each cluster nominated 5 people (2 men, 2 women, 1 youth). Each location vetted 15 people and elected 5 people (2 men, 2 women, 1 youth) making a total of 10. The eleventh slot was nominated by the PWD through their Organization.
Bulapesa is the oldest settlement in Isiolo Town and became the first urban Ward to get WPC. The process was a multi-stakeholder and had participation of the National Government, County Government of Isiolo (both the Executive and Legislature), CSO, Religious Leaders and the Media (https://thepresspoint.com/news-today/fani-gitonga-picked-to-lead-bulapesa-planning-committee/) .The activity was implemented by MID-P with the funding from USAID through Livestock Market Systems Activity and in partnership with Mercy Corps.
The object of CCCFA is to create a Fund in the County for the purpose of facilitating establishment of a mechanism to finance climate change activities, programs and projects in the County through initiating and coordinating financing of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation activities at the community level. Ward Planning Committee is tasked with facilitating community led climate change adaptation projects. The County allocates 2% of the County Annual Development Budget to the Fund.