Camel Caravan 5th Edition ended on August 9, 2019 with songs, dances and speeches. The Walkers had covered a distance about 200 Kilometres. The Participants were 142 people who used 19 camels. We would like to thank all the partners for their valuable contributions which made the process successful.
Lead Facilitators: IMPACT Trust, Merti Integrated Development Programme, Isiolo Peace Link, and Kivulini Trust
PARTNERS: Communities, World Peace Service (WFD),Partners for Resilience, Climate Justice Resilience Fund, The Christensen Fund, USAID, Family Health International 360, Frontier Counties Development Council/Drylands Learning and Capacity Building Initiate, Mercy Corps, Waso Trustland, National Government, County Government ( Isiolo, Samburu, Laikipia), Isiolo South NGCDF, Isiolo North NGCDF, Sarova Shaba Game Lodge, Community Conservancies, Ewaso Ngiro North Development Authority, Water Resources Authority and Media
Thank you all.