Camel Caravan Fifth Edition

Camel Caravan 2019 is an advocacy initiative that will be jointly implemented by MID-P, Indigenous IMPACT, Isiolo Peace Link and Kivulini Trust. It is realized with support and participation of different funding partners, National Government, County Governments of Isiolo, Laikipia, Samburu and Marsabit, private sector and the communities.The Caravan will include communities residing in Isiolo, Laikipia, Samburu and Marsabit Counties.

These communities will advocate on issues and consequences of the decreasing flow of Ewaso Ng’iro River and the dangers to their livelihoods. Further, the importance of promoting and maintaining peaceful coexistence for prosperity will be addressed. The communities living along the Ewaso Ng’iro use the camel as a symbol of resilience and the Caravan acts as a platform to engage with each other and relevant stakeholders. The aim is to share the challenges facing them, their environment, and their livelihoods. This is a continuation of the previous efforts that have been started in 2013.

The theme for this year’s event is:

Saving the Ewaso Ng’iro Ecosystem through sustainable management of natural resources, enhanced secure livelihoods and peaceful co-existence

The Camel Caravan 2019 is a 5-day journey with camels along the Ewaso Ng’iro River. During the journey, the first group will leave Merti (Isiolo), the second will leave Ewaso (Laikipa) and the third will leave from Barambate/Malkadaka (Isiolo) and a fourth from Gotu (Isiolo). The four groups will get an opportunity to meet several communities along the river basin, experience the threatened ecosystem, engage in dialogue and reflect on sustainable ways of using, protecting and restoring the ecosystem in a participatory manner. All groups will converge at Archer’s Post for the final ceremony on August 9, 2019 at 9.00am. The participants in the final ceremony will include the Walkers, Community representatives, CSO, National and County Governments, National Government Agencies, Private Sector, Elders, Women, Children and Media.  

Ewaso Ngi’ro River can both unify and divide the communities and the Camel Caravan is an advocacy event for strengthening the bond amongst the communities so they jointly address the threats to the ecosystem. The campaign will involve media houses (local, national and international), film makers and reporters with a purpose of documenting and disseminating the information and experiences gathered with the wider stakeholders with a view to achieving the objective of the Caravan.

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