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MID-P WASH officer demonstrates the best hand washing method

Celebration of World Handwashing Day 15th October 2024

Fig 1:MID-P WASH officer demonstrates the best hand washing method
MID-P WASH officer demonstrates the best hand washing method

Merti Integrated Development Programme (MID-P) in partnership with Action Against Hunger, World Vision Kenya the County Government of Isiolo and community celebrated World Handwashing Day 2024, on October 15th in Korbesa.  The theme of the year was “why is hand washing still important?” Partners emphasized the reasons why it is vital to wash hands using soap. “Our community takes hand washing as being a secondary thing, while in fact, it should be in the forefront of everything we do. We should teach our children and the community about the importance of washing hands with soap. We are grateful to the German Federal Foreign Office and Sign of Hope for helping us be part of the Global Community in celebrating the International day. “ Said Madam Kule Galma, MID-P Board member.

The event was mainly based on showcasing the proper hand washing methods and the best time to wash hands. “Wash your hands   before and after, eating food, after visiting the toilet, after handling the sick and when changing the diaper among others.” Public Health Officer, Mr. Mugo

Fig 2: WASH representative from World Vision Kenya speaking during the celebration

MID-P WASH Officer emphasized the importance of washing hands as part of maintaining hygiene and sanitation a sector which MID-P has made a lot of effort to strengthen among the local community especially in Cherab Ward where MID-P constructed and rehabilitated 4 water kiosks, pipeline extension, provision of Non-Food Items and construction of toilets to promote hygiene and sanitation.

As MID-P, we have made strides towards maintaining hygiene and sanitation by integrating WASH activities in our programmes. As we play our part, we urge the community members to promote good hygiene by having hand washing stations in their homes and in schools to minimize spread of germs and prevent diseases. .” Said Liban Halake, MID-P WASH officer.

Fig 3: Group photo of partners during the global handwashing ceremony in Korbesa


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